
Something about this bloggie

Ok, I admit that I've failed somewhere before. But anyway welcome. Just a brief intro on what you should expect here:
1. Football. Not gonna post much of that any soon since season is over. :S
2. Anime, Games, etc. Just abt anything conceivable under the Japanese radar barring anything and everything Rule 34. Now that's illegal. Period. -.-;
3. Music. Everything to do with it is listed under the tab.
5. Unacceptable humour: Anything and everything is fair game here. As long as I don't get rounded up by the ISA. -.-'

The Known World=Fantasy world building in process. I: Used to be glossary, now devoted to random rambling; II: Character Concepts; III: Lore.
7. der Wolf=my Fictionpress account under the moniker Tsumujikaze no Soujutsu. A Ranger's Tale is hosted under this page. :)
8. New section now upped. Maybe I should also gun for upping A Ranger's Tale here since I do have this funny feeling that traffic coming to here is way more than whatever I'll get in FP.

Statement of intent: Everything said here is a figment of personal opinion, be it me or anybody commenting. I try to be responsible, but my parents=/=parents of the world.

@Druid of Luhn: Crap. Should have remembered far earlier to give you the credit for your CSS text box code. :(

A/N: But sadly, it seems that your CSS text box code has now been halved efficiency wise. :(

That most important note I should have added: Any images posted in this blog are NOT my own stuff. I got them from Google image search, I don't earn any shit by being a thief and liar. Those responsible for the pictures, rest assured that you all are great artists in your own regards. Sadly, we all know what limited space means in terms of posting.

Latest Note: Changed alignment for my page widgets due to my worry that I can't centre align the thing.

Note on A Ranger's Tale: In case any complaining fella wants to have a legal case with me, let this be known that A Ranger's Tale is rated M by default. I've upped the swearing and somewhat a bit on the dark/gritty factor. You all have been warned, let no little boy and girl enter the forbidden realm.

Latest on ART: A Ranger's Tale now starting to kick back in gear. But I really hate the insanely fluctuating climate here in S'pore.

P.S: Oh, and one more thing. Vid below is yet another ideal OP for A Ranger's Tale.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

The Forgotten Song...

As of now, I'm forcing myself to do this because I just feel I need to do something before my brain shut off for reasons most apparent. In fact at this point of time, if you guys see this post, it means the worst might have happened. 
In a very haunting sense, this song was inspired by the two EDs in my Saya no Uta posts due to the very melancholy still stuck in me:

The songs of old grew stale, yet why the echo of aria call?
Decades of bloom, the petals wilt.
Is this the life we all know?
Humane or mayhap mere mortality’s mourn?

Aye... the wind breeze forth...
One has departed
Aye...ten became nine...
The lost remembered for good
Caress of the dead far more alive than the world itself

What gift we have brought to the world?
What legacy have we left?
The beauty of all things past akin to a rose
So fragile yet why so real?

Aye... the wind brushed by...
One has departed
Aye...I saw a person less
The serene claimed their rest
Gentle warmth nary but a dream

Will I step forth to Eden upon the knell of God?
What will I see in the face of heavens?
The lilies of joy or thorns of mockery?

You don’t have to think much. For none can command all that is beyond.

Aye... the wind continue the ceaseless waltz...
Where will I be next?
Aye... the ground or the pyre...
The choice matters not
For only that whisper remain...

Have you ever questioned the tears shed for you?

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