
Something about this bloggie

Ok, I admit that I've failed somewhere before. But anyway welcome. Just a brief intro on what you should expect here:
1. Football. Not gonna post much of that any soon since season is over. :S
2. Anime, Games, etc. Just abt anything conceivable under the Japanese radar barring anything and everything Rule 34. Now that's illegal. Period. -.-;
3. Music. Everything to do with it is listed under the tab.
5. Unacceptable humour: Anything and everything is fair game here. As long as I don't get rounded up by the ISA. -.-'

The Known World=Fantasy world building in process. I: Used to be glossary, now devoted to random rambling; II: Character Concepts; III: Lore.
7. der Wolf=my Fictionpress account under the moniker Tsumujikaze no Soujutsu. A Ranger's Tale is hosted under this page. :)
8. New section now upped. Maybe I should also gun for upping A Ranger's Tale here since I do have this funny feeling that traffic coming to here is way more than whatever I'll get in FP.

Statement of intent: Everything said here is a figment of personal opinion, be it me or anybody commenting. I try to be responsible, but my parents=/=parents of the world.

@Druid of Luhn: Crap. Should have remembered far earlier to give you the credit for your CSS text box code. :(

A/N: But sadly, it seems that your CSS text box code has now been halved efficiency wise. :(

That most important note I should have added: Any images posted in this blog are NOT my own stuff. I got them from Google image search, I don't earn any shit by being a thief and liar. Those responsible for the pictures, rest assured that you all are great artists in your own regards. Sadly, we all know what limited space means in terms of posting.

Latest Note: Changed alignment for my page widgets due to my worry that I can't centre align the thing.

Note on A Ranger's Tale: In case any complaining fella wants to have a legal case with me, let this be known that A Ranger's Tale is rated M by default. I've upped the swearing and somewhat a bit on the dark/gritty factor. You all have been warned, let no little boy and girl enter the forbidden realm.

Latest on ART: A Ranger's Tale now starting to kick back in gear. But I really hate the insanely fluctuating climate here in S'pore.

P.S: Oh, and one more thing. Vid below is yet another ideal OP for A Ranger's Tale.

Friday 15 March 2013

Of Parting, Games, and A Serpent's Canker

One man's sin is verily his own joy, one man's sin will verily spell another man's death. If all are sinners drinking from the same poisoned cup, what then is a living saint?


A Ranger's Tale


"Without morals and honour? Why, my good lady lord, would I do that? Every mortal has his own facade and his pride a certain price."

Those were the last words echoing through the mind of Meranie Sworth, excruciating pain knifing swiftly into her throat. She tried bargaining with that person before her fading gaze, failure did indeed come in form of words spoken true from her adviser’s lips.

You are a fool to take this throw of die, Milady! No one deals with the Serpent and lives to tell a single tale!


"Rise and shine, you gay!"

Lukas Brun let out an annoyed grimace as his self-proclaimed girlfriend announced her presence seen. Everyone in the Drowning Bear was unable to perceive why Yeras Wynda has always been this boisterous, Lukas in turn was left contemplating why some little broad should get away cleanly nine times out of ten.

"Hey, you hear me?"

"You damned rich prissy little..."

Before Lukas could finish his mumbling, Yeras yanked away the blanket while wearing her smuggest face. Toned naked body facing off against her comely features tanned, a glare was more than enough a sign hinting at vengeance imminent.



"A little wonder to see that rich little missus pissing you off," sighed Guy upon sipping a mug of tea, "You've yet to expose her after screwing her temples against your knuckles?"

"And risk having her announcing to the entire world that Lukas Brun always sleeps naked? Get real, Guy Cody," growled Lukas, a vein bulging from his forehead, “Oh, and one more thing, Guy. Can you try rewording this question in the future? The previous time people overheard this, I got to entertain stupid questions on how well she’s able to please a man.”

"Well, we can’t blame others from imagining too many pairs of tits bouncing, Bruno," quipped the sandy blond, eyes of sapphire blue meeting Lukas' hazel brown gaze, "But it's been quite some time since we've banted. Perhaps if you hadn't bailed out of Merseyside..."

Remaining words ensuing forth lost on Lukas Brun, he cared not for unwanted formalities. Memories most painful stinging his mind, it was not hatred gnawing at him. This was all about his final conversation with Guy Cody before leaving the Academy, both had never bothered looking back since.


"Wait a sec. So you managed to whack one entire lot despite grounding orders set down by Sarge Scholes?"

"Well, I've got a partner in crime. I call him Catts."

"Guy Cody, you're being retarded!"

"No more retarded than the rest calling themselves... erm, normal? Or is it righteousness? I forgot."

"I give up on you."

"Hey, you’re laughing at me?"

"Of course. Go figure who’s that fuckwit sparking off that free-for-all two months back! Linking problematic families with stupid parents has gotta be your craziest shit yet."

"Well, nobody likes hearing words of wisdom, Bruno."

"Go screw yourself, Guy."

"Are you serious, Bruno? I’d rather go screw a girl."

"Okay, you don’t have to tell me who’s that girl."

"Why? Did I say anything wrong?"

"Well... sorta. You’ll only end up creating more trouble by time I leave Merseyside. Take care and please don't fuck around with your future Gaffer, whoever he is."


"Well, how did the whole re-bro go?" asked Yeras, her brown eyes nagging inquisitively at Lukas till no end.

"None of your business," waved back Lukas, “He just said he won't be coming back for a little while.”

Sensing "a little while" to be a byword for trouble unseen and brewing, the stranger was right after all in calling Lukas a fine gay. The androgynous brunette was an intelligent person after all, there was no need to credit any Tom, Dick or Harry for his intellectual accomplishment.

"Hey, Luk," chimed a familiar voice.

"What, Yeras?” frowned Lukas, “You want me to pull down your skirt and spank you?"

"Hell, no! That sounds so perverted!" blushed the serving girl of Drowning Bear, "It's just that... well, that friend of yours is quite a hunk. Such a nice bloke and you never told me about him! I hate you, stupid gay!"

"Yeras Wynda, can I comment on something?" sighed the androgynous lad while scratching briefly his light brownish mop.

"About Guy Cody?" Yeras' face lit up in front of her dream man's name.

"Nah, wrong call. Just that... well, you know…" smirked Lukas with an eerie glow to his eyes, "GET BACK TO WORK, BITCH!"


The man whore had committed a fatal mistake, his attempt to rob an unwitting stranger marking a untimely grave. A society most acceptable trampled him underfoot, only the blind did not know him. Accusing fingers jabbed towards social status only a myth, any sexual orientation would always be workable under any acceptable circumstances. Alas anger no matter how well-justified amounted to naught, yet he had to cough up so much more.

"Moron..." sighed a frustrated Aeranath, blade removed from his victim's gaping maw, "Moral of the story: don't fuck around with me, gay or no gay."

Rancid wind breezing through the underbelly of an otherwise glorious society, the True Apostle detected somebody monitoring his every move. Acute senses losing said individual's track, a snickering laugh disregarded a quarry none of his interest.

Some things will never change and you're still the Church's bitch.


Locking stares against Sarel Aphros was no laughing task, a young lion standing tall despised her deceptively radiant smile. The Grand Damsel was no appreciator of foolish men weak, Guy Cody impressed her without boundary’s end. Demand for an audience rejected, not even a personal reply was given. He tried demanding answers still nevertheless, she’s now prepared to give him one.

At a price worth nothing less than Gail lain dead before his feet.

"Surely you do have a penchant for mayhem, my dearest lion," purred the white haired beauty, "Why not wait for my arrival instead? Your vigour has stayed with me since that time, its my hope to pleasure you once again soon."

"You'll never give a damn, Church’s bitch,” snarled Guy, "Let me ask you, do you know about his presence way before Scholes and the rest got slaughtered like hapless sheep?"

"So brutally blunt towards the dead," replied Sarel mockingly, a wistful sigh rubbing salt on Guy's insulted wound, “Now you made me unsure on the Red Lions' loyalty highly touted."

"Don’t try playing thief with me," the sandy blond maintained a belligerent stance, his eyes of sapphire blue burning against a pair of ruby red orbs unflappably calm.

"Do you perceive not the value of your own person?” a softening answer suddenly without warning threw Guy aback, “You love Alestrial Eliaden for who she is, but do you know why Mayweather Lucs has always loved you hopelessly in the same manner as well?"

"Do I care for your question?" growled the newly emerged Lancer.

"And do you care to know Mayweather Lucs is already dead?"

Guy Cody went dumbstruck before Sarel's question. He recalled Mayweather treating him finely, he even knew her feelings for him. Yet here he was, standing and not knowing Mayweather Lucs already gone.

"It is for who you are, Guy Cody," continued the Grand Damsel, "Never a faker, always a man. Your valour is that most valuable treasure desired by ladies and smallborne maids alike, do you not see a lion amongst men in your image?"

"So that's why you made me your bitch despite countless others before me. Yeah, right," replied Guy sneeringly, his lips still curled into a feral snarl, "Don’t bail out from my question. There has to be reason why only the Red Lions were notified and mobilised."

Silence and unease conquered the standoff between boy and lady, understanding not the cause beforehand begot a string of assault buffering the young lion’s mind. Joyful days equating to ignorant years, Guy Cody would gladly give a limb and more to salvage the past.


"What? Please don't scare me with this kind of body language. You know I hate that look of yours."

"Don't you feel weird seeing all of us getting mobilised without a single statement being voiced out from the regular military? This doesn't sound natural..."


"Catts, I suspect we might have been boned even though I can't put a finger on how and why."

He remembered his pet habit truly unique, he remembered its very meaning. He knew whenever profound thoughts came visiting at the porch of his mind, both hands would be clasped tightly before a calm serious face. Combining no less with back muscles tensed while hunched like a wary lion, none could ever understand such a look and posture save a chosen few. A posture honed, a posture mastered, Guy Cody had successfully traced a vague picture from the dots scattered apart.


The morn was bright, the skies were clear. Beneath a cluster of purest clouds stood a mansion strong. Strong because it was built upon actual high ground, strong because this was the Seat of Teesside. The Northern Rock was named as such for a very good reason, it was an infertile land granted to Erasmus Eliaden during his remaining years as an aged sage. The fourth Emperor in line, Franstatis I, was no imbecile others ridiculed him out to be, Erasmus was one of the very few not content in joining the fools. As a bulwark guarding the profitable coastal lands eastbound, it had seen countless naval battles won and undefeated. Never did the First Patriarch of House Eliaden end up leading from the frontline, for the Empire was indeed indebted to his peerless acumen in deployment rather than a mere leader.

"What a fool," sighed Louthes Eliaden, a sip of wine taken from a flute in hand, "Meranie Sworth has sealed her own death pact without even knowing an obvious trap. Power's lust pointing to the direction of a Lord status within the Justice Ministry has truly costed her dearly."

"And do you call this justice?" mocked an Elf, his emotionless smile greeting the golden daylight filtering from curtains drawn closely tight, "Justice served is venom for another. I pity that poor girl upon her assailant’s acquittal, but one deluded's death will never erase any stigma dealt from an erroneous hand."

"Pray tell then, how will you define pity?" asked the wrinkled Human dressed in blue and red, flowing locks of iron grey static before his Elven counterpart, "Your eyes betray no such experience. If not for a drastic need for the Serpent's boon, you should not utter this word."

"And why would you want a high standing judge's demise if her only sin is corrupted pride alone?"
Louthes could see a pointless baiting more than mile away, the Elf wasn't pushing his luck to be fair.

"Because deluded fools can never be trusted with absolute power, be they man or woman," answered the jaded Knight Lord, "A righteous flame should never coexist with fires fed from a zealot's breast and drunk with an idealist’s milk."

"Truthfully a child of House Eliaden," replied the Elf, slender hands lavishing a mocking round of plaudits, "Attempts in proving your worth via bloodshed due to ideals cruelly dashed would seem to me a matured man. A fiery lad back then has mellowed tenfold like this finest wine we're having now."

"Enough of your talk,” snapped Louthes, “Name your price, Eliador de Lioncourt."

"A meeting with someone by the name of Lukas Brun," bargained Eliador, grey orbs of unpredictable storm chilling the core of Louthes' iron soul, "This has something to do with a runaway girl somewhere in the Seaside."


"My debt to you has now been cashed in full. Don't bugger me again if you see a familiar bastard somewhere, somehow."

The True Apostle's words sought their way to Alestrial Eliaden's heart, his distant apathy an unerring storm of arrows firing true. Longing regret and lingering hurt together with total reluctance in letting go…

Why did she choose to believe in him despite acts most reprehensible? She tried convincing herself all the while that everything started from that fateful night seven years ago, she wasn't really sure of her conclusion right now. Irrational anger hailing from Guy haunted her dreams more than once, she could only afford deciding either one of the two or none at all. Every reason should beget every action, never had she truly understood Aeranath all along.


"Hey, you hear me speaking?"

A holler crisply cheerful bursting open Alestrial's bubble of dream, the Cinha maid stared bemused at her counterpart slightly younger. Here was a girl reminiscent of the Guy Cody she always remembered fondly. The Guy Cody always in her pursuit, the Guy Cody full of vitality and vigour...

The real Guy Cody himself...

Caring not any intention exhibited from a stranger nestled in front of her, the noble lady fair chose to verily accept this sudden twist of fate.

"Well, what're you gawking at?" frowned the tanned freckled girl, both arms folding across her ample chest, "I know I'm pretty with auburn locks, soft brown eyes like you, blah, blah, blah... but seriously, your food is getting cold!"

"Sorry, my apologies here," giggled Alestrial, both hands covering her mouth, "People tend to say I have a sensitive tongue."

"Wow, you have a cat’s tongue?" exclaimed the attractive redhead excitedly, "Just like me!"

"So should we be sisters instead?" gasped Alestrial playfully as the brunette shook her head rigorously.

"Nah, nah, nah! Not me," a nostalgic huff much to Alestrial's amusement was the sole answer, "My family's rich, I guess. A merchant's family somewhere in Seaside and I just hate it to see them trying to horse trade me! I'd rather marry a gay and destiny has decreed me meeting a nice one at that!"

"Edwood..." whispered Alestrial. The mention of Seaside immediately sparked off another county nearby. Edwood together with Seaside were renowned for their seaports and military support for the Imperial Navy, a place of exact location and exact name was now to her another place of another meaning.

Lerry Dukes was the county Governor, Lerry Dukes was to be her father-in-law. Jarvis Dukes had a repute of being a nice enough lad, Jarvis Dukes had a repute of being gentle and considerate. She knew him since ten, she had never minded his occasional childish tantrums all the while. Sadly, another Guy he wasn't meant to be, his last name not Cody. Marriage without bonds doomed to failure, success in name would suffice for life. Suppressing numberless worries threatening to tear her apart, Alestrial decided that making friends with a total stranger might not be too bad an idea.

"So what's your name?"

"Yeras. Yeras Wynda. Just call me Yeras is enough!"

That smile, cheer and zest... maybe Yeras should be the lucky girl for Guy instead of this pitiful noble's dowry sitting in my place.


"What is your wish in life?"

Lukas Brun recalled that haunting question sung like a ghostly melody. He had nothing bar a pretty face, the beautiful Elf had promised a life in accordance to whatever answer given.

"I… I wish for…"

Lukas knew what he wanted the most, he understood what he desired the most.

Will that fairest Elf grant me my wish, he murmured to himself.

"A normal life in spite of an abnormal past? Deal."

Lukas’ breath was trapped in his throat, his vainest hope now coming true.

"But there’s a clause…"

Lukas' breath was suddenly sealed in the throat, his jubilant soul went dead like a hare entering a serpent's jaw.

"I will be back one fine day. Do you know Louthes Eliaden?"

The androgynous brunette knew who the Governor of Teesside was, he needed not anyone to give him the answer.

"He owes me a favour, I owe him no obligation. I do not know when I will return, but I know I will. I know him since he's fourteen, I know he’s doomed to be upright."

"What are you trying to say?" Lukas finally spoke out, he felt his lips and throat going dry.

"Even the godliest of all men are willing to kill a thousand in exchange for thousands saved. Hence what makes you think he is anywhere godlier?"

Terror constricting a soul brimming with faith moments ago, Lukas Brun instinctively knew why despair can easily taste so easily sweet.

"There are beings darker than the darkest deeds, you should be more mindful towards all calling themselves beacons of values. Demons are not meant as make believe, Demons are not meant to be imagined. Demons are no different from you and me, Demons are not different from the purest of judges."

"That’s why…"

Lukas did not have to complete the statement, his benefactor had already completed for him whatever in need of being said.

"Only an ungodly soul can be regarded as the godliest soul, for who can judge the sins of a saint otherwise? Eliador de Lioncourt should be a name rightfully feared, my name has always been a serpent’s canker."


Background notes

The terms banted and re-bro were first mentioned in Chapter 2.

Gail was mentioned in Chapter 8.

Guy being able to kill her might not be something of a deu-ex-machina considering whatever potential implication from the last chapter.

That flashback from Guy pertaining to any connections with the Quintet Church on Aeranath himself was the exact scenario in Chapter 2.

Jarvis Dukes was briefly mentioned albeit not by name in Chapter 4.

The Lord status is the highest rank in any given ministry. Note that this is subjected to debate and that Lord as a title can be applicable beyond any ministry with a different meaning. A Ministry Lord is in charge of daily supervision via the capital of Romus itself. However, he/she can never be a Senator, hence having no power to approve or veto any given policies at hand.

Ministry of Justice is a parallel to the actual concept of any law ministry in reality.

Blue and red are the customary colours of House Eliaden albeit colours in this context alone need not be unique.

Governor is the highest local authority within any given county. Needless to say, Teesside is a county just like every of the Red Lions’ respective Division.


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