And to think this will be my blog's first Christmas. Technically speaking ofc... -_-
Some stuff on the weaponry system in The Known World
This is basically the staple weapon for those in the knightly caste. The nature of the blade is a heavier weight and intended for cutting. However with enough force applied, a precise swing can virtually cleave a fellow armoured knight into two. However, it's possible for a wielder to utilise the shield-and-sword style due to the basic requirements in strength and physique. At the same time, it should be noted mastery in the way of the sword need not to be confined within the knights themselves, but yet a knight without a sword will surely be looked down upon.
This is a far more balanced variation of the broadsword due to the need to create a counterbalance against armoured opponents (i.e. not just only knights, but any form of heavy infantry as well). Due to having a lesser extent of weight with the aforementioned far better balance, it's a weapon most ideal for thrusting and slashing. In fact, as a longsword's blade will always be slimmer and more tapered, the durability have to be compromised in terms of crafting.
But yet, this is not to say that proponents of the longsword fighting style will be put at a certain disadvantage against certain opponents because such a weapon is deemed as an all-rounder weapon in terms of technique. Not only are the aspects of thrusting and cutting vital, the entire weight-balance proportion will ensure attacks done via the pommel and parrying/interception through both blade and crosspiece are plausible tactics combined with the concept of grappling.
In particular, the "locking" technique is a well known facet behind the longsword style where the crosspiece can be easily used to halt the opponent's weapon momentum halfway through, be it thrusting or swinging, with disarming the enemy being the ultimate aim. In the event where such a means cannot be done after stopping the opponent through such manner, the user can either use his own weight to push his opponent back or using the opponent's pressing weight to force him off-balance via a sudden release. Interestingly enough, the grappling aspect will also take full advantage of the opponent's superior weight via a far better sense of physical balance.
Arguably the most famously known offensive measure adopted is the "straight-ripping" technique where a single penetrating thrust will always end up in a slash without withdrawal of the blade. Needless to say, this is the most feared way of combat to any warriors donning heavy armour.
Warriors wielding such a weapon are generally mercenaries and skirmishers, i.e. those specialising in terrain warfare.

Elven sabre:
This is an unique variation of the longsword where the blade is curved, flat and dual edged while the hand guard area is pretty minimal. It's especially brittle, yet renowned as the keenest blade The Known World has ever seen. This is basically your standard Elven sword where there are two ways of handling it: the normal forward grip and the reverse grip. The former allows a certain finesse and reach while the latter case creates a far more physical approach where additional power is allowed at the expense of the advantage in reach.
No different from your standard Katana apart from the fact that it has a ring shaped pommel and a minimal hand guard like the Elven sabre. This is the Cinha's version of a longsword. Or rather the only sword variation belonging to the Cinha.
Pole arms:
The most common form of pole arms is the spear due to it's relatively cheap cost to manufacture. This is the staple weapon for infantry units and light cavalry troops. For the former, a longer and far sturdier variation called the pike is the preferred choice due the tactical advantage offered against any frontal cavalry charge. The Kalaran Legionaries are famed for their phalanx tactics due to their pike-and-shield formation.
As for the latter case, a lighter and shorter version compared to the pike is used. It's actually far more similar towards a hunting spear where impact caused by charging momentum will increase the penetration force. In fact, such a means of shock attack can easily penetrate a mounted knight or his steed given the correct precision. At the same time, light infantry units are also known to be armed mainly with this variation as such units are meant for ambush warfare and reconnaissance.
Elven spears are wholly infantry based with shorter, but more hardened shafts and a longer blade.
Halberds are basically the preferred choice for the Teutonian infantry known as Halberdiers. Those are your quintessential heavy infantry eschewing the usage of shields due to the weapon's weight. Apart from the anti cavalry rank-and-file phalanx tactic, the axe-blade of a halberd can easily cut open an opponent when it comes to infantry to infantry melee.
Lances are only used by knights as the highest status of proof in terms of identity. There are two usage for this cumbersome weapon. One through jousting tournaments and the other as the most straightforward means of frontal charging. Lances will always be shattered upon impact unlike cavalry spears due to the difference between heavy and light cavalry. In addition, the Elven heavy cavalry are especially (and rightfully) feared for their lances.
The glaive is the Cinha's version of a staple pole arm where it's mainly used for hacking the legs of cavalry mounts and infantry-to-infantry engagement. Incidentally, it's actually more heavyweight than the normal spear, but light than a pike.
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Roughly how the Cinha ver would look like. |
At the same time, the Elven infantry are also known to wield such a weapon although glaives in general are considered a proof of noble status.
Bardiche is a somewhat unorthodox version used chiefly in anti-cavalry ambush due to a lighter weight with a beyond average slashing ability. Troops using this weapon are mainly mercenaries and Tamurians.
Picture of an actual bardiche
The orthodox variation is mainly utilised by men-at-arms, units of peasant soldiers conscripted as personal guards for the head of every Noble House. Within the Kalaran Empire, they are alternatively known as Home Guards while such a term is deemed an insult within the borders of Teutonia.
There are basically three such variations: the woodsman axe, battle axe and throwing axe. The battle axe is chiefly used by men-at-arms/Home Guards with a shaft varying in length respectively. Those with a far longer shaft are known as pole axe while those with a shorter shaft are known merely as battle axe.
Woodsman axe is mainly used by hunters earning their keep and survival through hunting where they will need such a weapon against creatures far more dangerous to hunt (not to mention that they have to travel in groups due to the likelihood of ambush set off by Orcs or Rangers). The structure of such weapon is rather simple and light weight in comparison with a slightly S-shaped shaft considered shorter than a pole axe.
Throwing axe is considered as an auxiliary means apart from the woodsman axe where huntsmen are concerned.
A/N: It's not uncommon to see such hunters being conscripted as part of the respective factions' reserve military forces in conjunction to defending any form of forest terrain within their own borders. In particular, Teutonia has a tradition to maintaining a sizeable force of such individuals in any event of all out war or defending against any Orcish/bandit raids.
Missile weapons:
There are three types of such weapons: straight bow, crossbow, and ballista.
Ballista is a commonly used means in siege and naval warfare where it's a giant crossbow mounted on a platform. Generally, the naval variation will be lighter compared to those used for land, yet it's still possible for any navy to wreak the enemy walls should the distance be enough.
Crossbows are mainly used for anti-armour tactics where the range and penetration will always be far better than the longbow. Although it should be note worthy that there can be certain exceptions as best proven by the Reivers of Teutonia and the Red Lions of the Kalaran Empire.
Straight bows are basically further classified into two sub types: composite bows and longbows.
Composite bows are used by mounted archers like the Sagittarii from the Kalaran Empire and Slarvean nomads from the north. In addition, the famed charioteers from the Southlands (i.e. the Sudhlits) are equally known to utilise it to the maximum effect as well.*
*The most common usage will be pointing the arrows upwards in order create a rain of arrows through an arcing trajectory due to the advantage given to horse archery upon open terrain.
Longbows on the other hand, are more favoured by the Teutonians due to the fact that Teutonia possess the largest extent of high and forested terrain within the Northern Continent* (or informally known to the Causaceans as the Continent).
*The Aegil Orden in particular are known to be masters of sniping with their longbows while peasant bowmen are also considered as another vital core of the Teutonian military.
P.S: Damned, now 2.17 am and I only realised that due to my head getting lighter than usual. I'm truly correct in assuming myself to be a heavy sleeper. X.X
Final P.S: There are things I might have missed out. But now too shagged liao... X_X
Ending P.S: Only a talking cock statement, but I'll have to say that this is the greatest big ass post I've done for a section only meant for rambling. Just like what my ex-AS1 of 32 SIB, Steve Ang had always said whenever he's a wee bit annoyed: **** beh!!!
Oooh! Weapons! I love weapons! I love swords! These are awesome! Thanks for the post, I really enjoyed reading it. It was so awesome! YAAAY! I don't care about about Christmas, I like posts about swords and weapons more!